Parse URL

URL Parse API documentation

The URL Parse API makes it easy to parse a URL.

The URL Parse API is a 'REST API' which is accessible via HTTPS using the GET or POST method at a predefined URL and returns a JSON response.

Benefits of using the URL Parse API are:

  • Querying the URL Parse API is free of charge and anonymous.
  • The URL Parse API works across applications and scripting languages, e.g. see below the Python example.

This URL Parse API is coded and provided by ex-Google engineer and technical SEO expert Fili.



This URL Parse API is free of charge and can be accessed without credentials. If you have any questions about using the URL Parse API on a larger scale or like to discuss ways to utilize this database internally, contact Fili.

Quickstart guide

GET request

You can query the URL Parse API endpoint using a GET request and replace URL with the URL you wish to parse.

The following URL parameter is required for GET requests to the URL Parse API:

URL ParameterValue
url(string) representing an encoded URL

POST request

Alternatively, you can also query the URL Parse API endpoint using a POST request on the following URL:

With the POST body containing the URL to parse in JSON (replace URL with the URL you wish to parse).

    "url": "URL"

Endpoint definitions

The endpoint of the URL Parse API is:

By default the URL Parse API will return a JSON response like:

    "authority": "",
    "domain": "",
    "domain_label": "urlparse",
    "file": "/",
    "fragment": null,
    "host": "",
    "href": "",
    "is_valid": true,
    "origin": "",
    "params": null,
    "path": "/",
    "port": null,
    "query": null,
    "request_url": "",
    "scheme": "https",
    "subdomains": null,
    "tld": "com"

When the URL queried is invalid or incomplete, the JSON response may look like:

    "error": "Unparseable URL.",
    "is_valid": false,
    "request_url": "example"


Any URL submitted for parsing through a GET request has to be encoded, in particular replace the following symbols:

When in doubt, encode the entire URL.

Response status codes

The URL Parse API will respond (most of the time) with any of the following status codes:

HTTP status codeReasonBody content
200SuccessJSON response with parsed URL data.
400Bad requestUnable to validate: JSON response with error message.
422Unprocessable EntityInvalid URL: JSON response with error message.
429Too many requestsRate-limiting: Reduce the number of requests per hour.
500Server errorUnknown error occured on the server side, please try later again.

Python example

It is possible to use the URL Parse API in your code with Python or similar other languages, using POST or GET requests.

GET request

        import requests

r = requests.get(

POST request

        import requests

r =
    json={'url': ''}

JSON response

Both the POST or GET request examples above will return with the following JSON response:


    'authority': '',
    'domain': '',
    'file': '/',
    'fragment': None,
    'host': '',
    'href': '',
    'is_valid': True,
    'label': 'example',
    'origin': '',
    'params': None,
    'path': '/',
    'port': None,
    'query': None,
    'request_url': '',
    'scheme': 'https',
    'subdomains': None,
    'tld': 're'

cURL example

It is possible to submit POST or GET requests on the command line, e.g. using cURL, to access the URL Parse API.

GET request


POST request

        curl -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"url": ""}'

JSON response

Both the POST or GET request examples above will return with the following JSON response:

    'authority': '',
    'domain': '',
    'file': '/',
    'fragment': None,
    'host': '',
    'href': '',
    'is_valid': True,
    'label': 'example',
    'origin': '',
    'params': None,
    'path': '/',
    'port': None,
    'query': None,
    'request_url': '',
    'scheme': 'https',
    'subdomains': None,
    'tld': 're'


The URL Parse API on this website is under constant development and improvements will be added over time. Any data and/or query submitted to this website or its API is only used to verify whether a URL validates. When the URL validates, the URL (or any other submitted data) is after returning the result completely disregarded and ignored. Only if a URL does not validate, the URL may be temporarily stored for debugging purposes, afterwhich the URL (or any other submitted data) is still completely disregarded and ignored.

Bugs will happen. Despite best efforts to maintain the code base and data quality, no guarantees can or will be given. Data may be incomplete and/or errors may occur. This is a personal website and for-fun project. Use at your own risk.

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